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Weekly Market Report | The quality of "Gold, Three, Silver and Four" remains unchanged, and the textile and apparel industry chain is picking up with orders; European and American merchants are shipping goods ahead of schedule, and down jacket OEMs may be

2024-04-14     来源:金绒     浏览量:694


In the 15th week of 2024 (4.8-4.14), the market generally rose, with goose down rising sharply.

This year's "Golden Three" has brought many "surprises" to the textile industry, and the current "Silver Four" is no less impressive. It is reported that since April, textile and apparel companies have been placing terminal orders one after another, whether for domestic sales or foreign trade. The down industry chain has been affected by this, and the market has also picked up.

After a period of sideways trading, goose down has resumed its upward trend this week. In view of the increasing demand for goose down from product companies in recent years, the industry is generally bullish on goose down. Currently, the supply of various raw material wools is still tight, so the overall price of down remains strong.

After a period of sideways trading, goose down has resumed its upward trend this week. In view of the increasing demand for goose down from product companies in recent years, the industry is generally bullish on goose down. Currently, the supply of various raw material wools is still tight, so the overall price of down remains strong.

On the 12th, the General Administration of Customs introduced at a press conference that in the first quarter of this year, our country’s foreign trade import and export scale exceeded 10 trillion yuan for the first time in history during the same period, and the import and export growth rate hit a new high in six quarters.Among them, textile and clothing exports increased by 5.4%. It is expected that our country's import and export will continue to improve in the second quarter, and will basically remain on the growth channel in the first half of the year.

Good news this week


Broiler chickens increased, waterfowl decreased! The structure of poultry breeding categories in our country continues to change

From March 27th to 28th, the 2024 Poultry Industry High-Quality Development Forum and the 35th Anniversary Celebration of the Guangdong Poultry Industry Association were grandly held in Guangzhou. In addition to discussing the upgrading of Guangdong's poultry industry, this forum also set up three sub-forums on domestic chickens, laying hens, and waterfowl in response to the industry's disruption and transformation needs.

At the meeting, Qin Kaitian, director and chief operating officer of Wen's Co., Ltd., said that the structure of our country's poultry categories has continued to change in recent years, mainly showing an increase in broiler chickens and a decrease in waterfowl. Data show that the proportion of broiler chickens in the poultry industry increased from 67.23% in 2018 to 72.42% in 2022, while the proportion of waterfowl dropped from 32.77% to 27.58%.

After the outbreak of African swine fever in 2019, white-feathered meat ducks played a role as a substitute for pork shortages, with a significant increase in slaughter, which also squeezed Muscovy ducks and semi-Muscovy ducks. However, when the supply of pork gradually recovered, the volume of white-feathered ducks began to decline, and the proportion decreased, but the total volume was higher than before African swine fever, while Muscovy ducks and semi-Muscovy ducks continued to shrink.

Huang Yunmao, a professor at Zhongkai College of Agricultural Engineering, introduced the development overview of the waterfowl industry in Guangdong Province.

Among them, ducks are dominated by Cherry Valley (accounting for more than 40% of the province), Muscovy ducks (including half of the province, accounting for about 28% of the province) and other species, which are mainly raised in the Pearl River Delta and western Guangdong; geese mainly include Magang geese (accounting for about 70% of the province), lion-head geese (accounting for more than 20% of the province), Yangchun white geese, white geese and other varieties, concentrated in the Pearl River Delta and eastern Guangdong.

Huang Yunmao highlighted that the goose industry has a lot of room for development in Guangdong. “The goose market in Guangdong has increased in recent years. Even during the epidemic, the overall market has remained good; in addition, the market trend of the goose industry is stable and promising. According to the law, years of data show that the market peaks from February to March and September to October every year.”

source |  整理自新禽况


The traditional off-season for down jacket OEMs has passed, and the production capacity of major manufacturers in the second quarter is approaching full capacity.

Quang Viet, a major down jacket OEM, had consolidated revenue of 2.365 billion yuan from January to March this year, a year-on-year decrease of 10.99%, while its monthly consolidated revenue in March was 765 million yuan, a decrease of 15.41% from the same period last year.

Wu Chaobi, chairman of Guangyue, said that the first quarter is Guangyue's traditional off-season, and revenue contribution to the whole year is low. In March, affected by the off-season effect, revenue was slightly lower than the same period last year. He pointed out that operations in the first half of 2024 will still be affected by inventory adjustments by brand customers, and inventory adjustments are expected to slow down in the second half of the year.

In response to the expansion of duty-free areas for brand customers to place orders, Guangyue's production base in Jordan has expanded by 40 production lines, and currently has a total of 60 production lines. Guangyue pointed out that this move can diversify product categories and win orders from new brand customers. Past operations were affected by seasonality, and the disparity between low and peak seasons is expected to be diluted.

KWONG LUNG, a major down jacket OEM, will have revenue of 7.708 billion yuan in 2023, a decrease of 25.2% from 2022, but its gross profit margin continues to hit a record high, reaching 17.9%.

Looking forward to 2024, Guanglong Chairman Zhan Hebo believes that the bottom of the garment business has passed, and the momentum of customer orders is gradually recovering. The completion rate of garment orders has exceeded 55%. The current order visibility has reached as far as the third quarter, and the production capacity in the second quarter approaching full capacity.

In addition, the revenue status of the down raw materials department will also improve compared with 2023. Zhan Hebo is optimistic that quarterly revenue is expected to return to growth starting from the second quarter, and the growth rate will be stronger in the second half of the year, targeting double-digit growth for the full year.

source |  中时新闻网


"World Supermarket" starts Christmas shopping season early

Christmas is celebrated on December 25th every year. Before that, European and American merchants usually come to the "World Supermarket" Yiwu in April and May to view samples and place orders.However, the situation this year seems to have a new change - by the Red Sea crisis brought about by the increase in shipping rates and the impact of tight shipping capacity, European and American merchants need to lock the shipment time in advance, that is, in January through wechat video samples, in February to Yiwu market to confirm the product delivery deposit.

"At the beginning of the new year, foreign businessmen first inquire about orders, then look at samples, and then place orders." Jiang Jiangping, the person in charge of Yiwu Junhong Christmas Clothing and Gift Factory, who has been in the Christmas supplies business for more than 20 years, feels that this year's orders seem to have come earlier. In addition to the above factors, with the changes in international trade, there is no clear boundary between the off-peak and peak seasons of Christmas supplies.

In the International Trade City, there are also traces of the increase in foreign businessmen. Data shows that since the opening of Yiwu International Trade City, the average daily passenger flow has exceeded 200,000, and the average daily number of foreign businessmen is about 3,000. "There are at least two or three orders every day, and at most more than ten orders. There is no room for everyone in the store, and we have to queue up to place orders." Jiang Jiangping said that the return of foreign businessmen means an increase in orders. Currently, the factory's orders have been queued up to June.

"Everyone told me that orders were scheduled for June and July. I was very shocked." The market was so hot that Caroli, a Colombian businessman, was lucky to have arrived earlier. If nothing else goes wrong, the 15 cabinets of Christmas products she purchased will arrive in Colombia across the ocean in July.

source |  义乌商报


North American chain retailers are deploying in China and will directly purchase hundreds of millions of dollars of home textile products

North American home furnishing chain retailer Big Lots recently made an important strategic move. This well-known discount retailer decided to open two purchasing offices in Shanghai, China and Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, to layout two key supply locations in Asia and strengthen its advantages in the field of low-priced product procurement.

China and Vietnam are the two countries with the largest purchase volume for Big Lots, so the purchasing offices are located in Shanghai and Ho Chi Minh City. In addition, Big Lots can increase procurement efficiency and respond to market demand by locating its procurement team close to major manufacturing plants and suppliers.

"We will directly source hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of furniture and seasonal home textiles," said Kevin Kuehl, the company's senior vice president and general manager of merchandise.He said that the company has integrated its long-term exclusive third-party agent procurement team into Big Lots’ Asian procurement team to build a more powerful overseas procurement and asset management platform.

Through this strategic adjustment, Big Lots can become more deeply involved in the procurement process and establish closer working relationships with suppliers to ensure the procurement of high-quality, low-cost products. This will help the company increase its profit margins and occupy a favorable position in the fierce market competition.

source |  Home Textiles Today 今日家纺


Orders are coming one after another, and Pinghu down jacket sales are "welcoming spring" again

In late spring, many people have put their heavy down jackets into the depths of their wardrobes and are beginning to look for popular New Year elements to decorate themselves. However, many clothing companies in Pinghu have not ushered in the expected off-season. On the contrary, orders have come one after another in recent months.

In 2023, Pinghu down jackets achieved "annual shipments exceeding 200 million pieces, annual sales exceeding 45 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 12.5%". In the first quarter of this year, Pinghu down jacket market sales reached 5.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 230%.

The continuous sales volume since the beginning of spring has made Tian Yuanzhong feel a "sign of spring". The goods piled up in a "hill" at the entrance of his store, and the destinations on the packages were marked with Wuhan, Changsha, Zhengzhou, Shenyang, etc.

"It's already spring, are you still buying down jackets?" A Hangzhou businessman replied: "During this period, down vests are selling very well. I'll make up the order."The other party picked up the goods, scanned the code in one go, and immediately moved on to the next stop without saying too many words throughout the process.

"Down jackets are functional products. They appear to be only made for one season, but they are actually busy in the four seasons. The person just got the new model for 2024, not stock." Tian Yuanzhong explained. He had just finished the Guangzhou company's ordering meeting some time ago, and before he had time to take a breath, he was preparing for the joint ordering meeting for original down jackets in Pinghu Garment City next month.

Pinghu Garment City holds joint ordering meetings twice a year, in May and July respectively. This is a grand event for the industry to connect production and sales. Merchants hope to use this platform to further increase the visibility of their own brands and open up new sales markets.

Design styles from February to March, plate making and proofing from April to May, hold an ordering meeting in the first half of the year, stock up from July to August, go on the market in September, and sprint sales at the end of the year......Design, production and sales run throughout the year. Pinghu down jackets are steadily promoting the industry to become bigger and stronger with "light assets + high quality" and continue to expand brand influence.

source |  嘉兴日报

Bad news this week


The United States wants to take action against Chinese sellers

The United States will crack down on an import method favored by e-commerce giants such as Temu and Shein, the Wall Street Journal website reported.

Under the current Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act, the minimum tax threshold for US imports is set at $800, so packages sent directly to US consumers from abroad and valued at less than $800 are not subject to tariffs and are not subject to strict scrutiny by US customs.

The number of such packages sent to the United States has surged in recent years. About 1 billion such packages will enter the United States this way in 2023, most of them from China. One report said Temu and Shein likely accounted for nearly a third of the "small exemption" shipments.

The Department of Homeland Security said on April 5 that shipments of "small exemptions" would be subject to greater scrutiny, including investigations into whether imported goods violate some U.S. prohibitions, while operations would "broaden the scope of targets," conduct laboratory testing and focus enforcement actions.

source |  海运网

News situation

This week’s news is more positive than negative.

During the 14th week (3/25-3/31), the industry estimates that the number of duck seedlings will decrease to an average of about 9.7 million birds per day, and will return to 10 million in the next period. The current number of hatchlings will correspond to a corresponding reduction in the number of meat ducks sold in the future, which may lead to a reduction in the supply of duck down.

This year's Asian goods may arrive in the United States earlier than in previous years, so some down jacket manufacturers in Southeast Asia and South Asian countries judge that the second quarter will enter the peak of clothing shipments, and orders are expected to resume growth, and believe that the second half of the year will be more optimistic.

It should be noted that according to the new law enforcement action plan launched by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for the textile industry, several core tasks are closely related to UFLPA (U.S. Xinjiang-related Act). The first is to prioritize the review of violations of UFLPA by textile industry entities; the second is to strengthen the screening of UFLPA violations for small-value packages.

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