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Weekly Quotes | Cold wave appears in Europe, but the demand for down jackets is temporarily ignored

2022-10-03     来源:金绒     浏览量:1747


Down market fell this week, and the market was weak.

On the last day of September, the heat wave in Jiangnan and the northern part of South China was rolling, and an unprecedented summer like hot weather was already in full swing. Under this influence, the recovery of the clothing manufacturing industry in autumn and winter was disturbed, the risk of the brands' overstocking was further enhanced, and some down production enterprises began to reduce their quotations.

The first cold wave in Europe this autumn has recently arrived. How to survive this winter has become an urgent matter for the local people. Driven by the energy crisis, winter products have long been popular in Europe. Electric blankets, heaters, etc. made in China are ushering in a wave of sea going peaks, but down jackets are temporarily ignored.

Under the influence of La Nina, will China have a rare winter this year? On September 29, the China Meteorological Administration held a regular press conference in October to respond that more detailed forecast opinions and service information could be provided in late October.


Monday: Prices of all categories are flat

Exchange rate of USD to RMB: 7.0298


Tuesday: Prices of all categories are flat

Exchange rate of USD to RMB: 7.0722


Wednesday: Prices of all categories are flat

Exchange rate of USD to RMB: 7.1107


Thursday: The price of gray goose down fell

Exchange rate of USD to RMB: 7.1102


Friday: Prices of all categories have fallen

Exchange rate of USD to RMB: 7.0998

good news


The first cold wave in Europe came this autumn, and the down products were treated coldly by European consumers

Europe, which has just experienced the intense heat, soon encountered a cold winter.

From the 26th, the cold current from the Arctic will "visit" Britain. According to the data of the forecasting agency, the temperature in London will be nearly 5 ℃ lower than the average level of previous years in the near future, while some regions in Germany, France and Spain will also face temperatures 3~4 ℃ lower than previous years.

Ms. Zhang, who lives in Hamburg, said that Hamburg is too cold to stand now. "You must put on your down jacket before going out.". Because it is rainy and rainy in Hamburg, it is very cold in September. Recently, Bavaria, Germany, has just had its first snow since autumn.

In Western Europe, the heating season usually doesn't officially start until October, but in theory you can turn on the heating at home at any time. But unexpectedly, this year, the way that European people welcome the cold wave is not to turn on heating equipment, but to seize China's "three treasures" - warm stickers, fan heaters and electric blankets on e-commerce websites.

According to the official data of the famous foreign e-commerce statistics website FindNiche, since June this year, China has sold 521000 electric blankets in Europe, but in July, it has increased to 1.29 million, a 150% increase on a month on month basis, and portable air heaters are hard to find in Europe.

According to the data of China Household Appliance Association, the export volume of electric heaters and electric blankets has expanded rapidly, with electric blankets leading other categories at a 97% growth rate. In addition, the growth of air source heat pump is also very impressive. These high growth shows that European consumers are obviously expanding the purchase of heating products to prepare for the coming winter.

However, as far as down products are concerned, they suffered "Waterloo" successively in July and August. Customs data show that although the export of down jackets is in the peak season, the export volume in August fell by 20.9% compared with the same period last year. Coincidentally, the export volume of down jacket to Europe in August fell by 23% compared with that in July.

In terms of down bedding, the export volume in August also fell by 30.9% compared with last August. The only bright spot is that the export of duvet increased significantly in August, with a month on month growth of 52% for European countries.

The good news is that down jackets, sleeping bags and other products are beginning to show signs of hot sales in Amazon, and the ranking of related keywords has recently shown an obvious upward trend.


The energy crisis has driven the sales of winter products

On September 26, the "Beixi No. 1 and No. 2" natural gas pipelines were damaged in three places, and then underwater explosions occurred in the leakage area. After the relevant news spread, it triggered panic in European countries, which completely destroyed the hope of European countries to obtain Russian gas supply before winter.

Up to now, all parties including Russia believe that the Beixi pipeline leakage "may be deliberately damaged". The head of the Danish Energy Agency, Kebotzo, warned that "the sea is now full of methane, which means the risk of another explosion in the region is increased".

Bloomberg believes that this is the clearest signal so far, indicating that Europe will survive this winter without a large amount of Russian gas transmission.

Prior to that, the energy crisis has driven the sales of the entire winter product industry in Europe. Not only did the price of firewood and coal in China soar due to the shortage of demand, but also small household appliances such as electric blankets and heaters made in China are ushering in a wave of sea going peaks.

"We didn't start selling until next month, but we have received many orders this month." A manufacturer of electric heating suits in Quanzhou said that orders from cross-border customers came earlier this year, and the daily shipment in September was only a few hundred, but now it is 5000-8000 sets a day.

It is reported that the electric heating suit is a heating device added to ordinary clothing. It needs to be equipped with a charging bank as the power supply, which can generally support 6-8 hours of heating. The company said that the sales of electric vest and electric down jacket are very considerable in the near future.

An old foreign trader said, "From the perspective of the cold protection options of the European natives, the priority options are firewood, fireplace and other products, followed by electric blankets and heaters. With the further drop in temperature, the energy crisis may change their living habits to some extent".


The consumption activity of down jacket on National Day has been started in advance

"Is this down jacket a new style?" At the sports brand counter in a shopping mall in the city, Wang Anxiang, who just retired this year, is preparing for a trip on National Day.

He said, "I made an appointment with my children to play around during the National Day holiday this year. I was afraid of the cold, so I wanted to buy a warm dress for my wife and me. Unexpectedly, there are down jackets for sale now." Finally, Wang Anhua bought a down jacket for himself and his wife for more than 1000 yuan.

"This year, the down jacket is on the market before the National Day to attract outdoor tourists." Liu Caixia, the store manager of this sports brand counter, said that in the past, new down jackets would not come into the market until the end of October. However, the sudden drop in temperature in September and October last year made many consumers want to buy down jackets but can't buy them.

Drawing on the experience of last year, this company has advanced the listing time of down jacket this year. From the current sales situation, there are many consumer inquiries. In addition, almost every sports brand has launched a new type of down jacket, which is placed in the most prominent position, and most of its styles are popular.

bad news


Facing the epidemic situation and the high temperature test, the clothing market is "slow hot"

For the clothing industry, the peak production and sales season is generally concentrated in the second half of the year. What is different from previous years is that this spring's epidemic combined with the extreme high temperature in summer has given garment practitioners a big challenge.

"Affected by the temperature, this year's sales season came late. It is estimated that it will be cool after the National Day." Liu Xiangfeng, a merchant, believes that he may be late in the peak season, but he will not be absent. Only by starting from the needs of consumers can he keep pace.

When entering Pinghu · China Garment City, merchants either take samples for online customers with mobile phones or display new clothes in stores. Many down jacket merchants said that the decline in consumers' purchasing power and the generally high temperature really put a lot of pressure on them.

At this time, Zhang Haoran, a merchant in the clothing city, was busy confirming the order with the buyer and urging the factory to speed up the work. "This summer, by participating in the Autumn and Winter Order Fair held in Heping Lake, Hangzhou, we have received orders for 30000 pieces of down jackets, which will be delivered by the end of September." Zhang Haoran said.

Influenced by many factors such as the epidemic situation, the wholesale market is not as good as before. Zhang Haoran said frankly that in the face of the new market situation, the merchants, by participating in the ordering meeting and other ways, gathered high-quality customers together for heating and resource sharing, which is an effective measure to fight a "turnaround".

Zhang Haoran introduced that in order to broaden the sales channels, Zhang Haoran first tried e-commerce last year, and carried out differentiated sales online and offline, which further promoted brand awareness while digesting inventory.

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