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Weekly Quotes | The meat duck industry has been losing money for more than 20 consecutive months / The sales of down products have soared, and the growth rate has exceeded last year

2021-10-25     来源:羽绒金网、金绒     浏览量:1684


Recently, the down market has been steadily rising, the activity of down raw materials trading has increased slightly, the buyers of finished down products have increased, and the quotations of suppliers have also increased slightly.The cost of the poultry farming industry remains high. Over 30% of the farmers stopped raising and wait-and-see, resulting in a substantial reduction in the supply of down and feather materials, and the price remains strong.

The arrival of the first cold wave in the second half of 2021 has brought many regions and provinces across the country to their lowest temperatures over the same period in decades.Affected by the cooling, the sales season of down jackets was about ten days earlier than in previous years, and the pre-sales of down quilts for "Double 11" were even more popular, with a year-on-year increase of several times.

In late October, China will have another cold air southward, and in early November, the average temperature in some provinces will still be 1 to 2 degrees lower, so the market may continue to improve.


Monday:Prices of all categories are flat

Exchange rate of USD to RMB: 6.4300


Tuesday:Prices of all categories are flat

Exchange rate of USD to RMB: 6.4307


Wednesday: Prices of all categories are flat

Exchange rate of USD to RMB: 6.4069


Thursday: The prices of all categories have risen

Exchange rate of USD to RMB: 6.389


Friday: Prices of all categories are flat

Exchange rate of USD to RMB: 6.4032

good news


The meat duck industry has been losing money for more than 20 consecutive months, and the whole industry calls for self-discipline to reduce production capacity

"The meat duck industry has been losing money for more than 20 consecutive months. Except for some commercial duck farming with value-healing contracts, the whole industry chain is losing money from duck breeding to slaughter to end products." Chairman of Shandong Duck Breeding Alliance, Linqu Changsheng Poultry Industry Liu Changsheng, chairman of the company, said at the high-quality development forum and symposium of Shandong meat duck industry held a few days ago.

According to data from the China Animal Husbandry Association, the output of duck fry is normally 8 to 9 million per day, but now it reaches 16 million per day, which is overcapacity.

"The industry's cold winter is coming. Only by actively reducing the amount of old ducks, practicing good internal skills, and improving the quality of ducklings can we survive and welcome the arrival of spring." said Tao Chengzhi, chairman of Shandong Zhongfa Duck Industry Co., Ltd., and companies now eliminate old ducks every day. The number is between 120,000 and 140,000, and it will be eliminated for 3 consecutive months.

Qin Zhenchun, President of Guiliu Group, said that the current daily slaughter at the slaughter end exceeds 13 million, while the rigid market demand is only more than 6 million. The slaughter end must actively reduce the production capacity, reduce the slaughter volume, and force the front end to reduce the feeding volume.

Cheng Haoliang, executive chairman of the White Feather Meat Duck Committee of the China Animal Husbandry Association, said that the innovative research and development of duck products has not done enough, which has affected the consumption of duck products. At present, meat duck companies must seek survival from three aspects: maintaining a moderate scale, improving efficiency, reducing costs, and increasing duck product consumption.

Lu Yan, Secretary-General of Shandong Animal Husbandry Association, said: “A self-discipline proposal for the development of the meat duck industry will be formed as soon as possible, promote the implementation of a unified stocking contract in the slaughter and cold storage process, and promote the construction of a meat duck industry monitoring and early warning system, and learn from the experience of live pigs to regulate meat. Duck production capacity."


The cold wave makes down jackets sell well

The winter in northern China seems to be coming too fast this year, and it gives people the feeling that it is going into winter overnight. The sudden drop in temperature also allowed down jackets to enter the peak sales season ahead of schedule.

On the morning of the 17th, at Qiulin Shopping Center in Nangang District, Harbin, all brands have now launched new down jackets, and they have gradually become the main sales force. "During the'November' period of this year, customers have come to buy thin down jackets one after another." A staff member of a shopping mall said.

A clerk in a specialty store on Dongdazhi Street said that in addition to the long, thick down jackets that are selling well, light and thin down jackets are particularly popular this year. At present, it is suitable to wear a light down jacket in Harbin. When the winter is the coldest, you can also wear the light down jacket under the outer jacket.

Merchants said that the sales season of down jackets is about ten days earlier than in previous years, and various brands have launched various discount activities earlier. "In the past, new models were generally not discounted. This year, when new models arrive in the store, they will get a 30% discount on two items. The discount time is a little earlier." Sales of down jackets.

In Hangzhou Italian-French Clothing City, the stalls focusing on clothing wholesale have also ushered in the peak sales season of down jackets. In many shops, the model wearing version kept trying on new styles, and several customers on the side were also selecting samples and placing orders.

According to the person in charge of the store, the store clerk like theirs has been busy packing and shipping these two days. On average, the daily sales can reach 6,000 to 10,000 pieces, and hundreds of bags of goods are shipped every day. "The retail sales have just started in these two days, and the sales of fur and down vests will be better. They are sent to other markets like Zhengzhou, Shenyang, Harbin, and Wuhan. Long-sleeved down jackets have just started in these two days."


The explosive growth rate of winter clothing exceeded last year, and the sales of down products soared

The first cold wave warning comes in the second half of 2021. Affected by the cooling, the demand for clothing and warmth has been put on the agenda of most consumers. Vipshop sales data shows that since October, all-platform winter categories have exploded, and its sales growth rate has significantly exceeded the starting speed of 2020 winter categories. Among them, down jackets once jumped to be the No. 1 category in a single day, and the transaction amount increased nearly 5 times year-on-year.

The person in charge of menswear business at Vipshop said: "The sales of winter clothing last year started in mid-September. Although this year entered the sales explosion period later, the explosion rate was higher. As of October 13th, the winter apparel sales have already been Exceeding last year, and showing a positive growth trend."

From the regional data, consumers in North China and Southwest China are affected by the cooling, and the willingness to "add clothes" is the strongest. Recent sales data from Vipshop show that the sales of down jackets in first- and second-tier cities such as Beijing, Xi'an, Chengdu, and Tianjin have soared. Among them, the purchase of down jackets by consumers in Beijing in the past month is the sum of the two major cities of Xi'an and Harbin.

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