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Guangxi textile and clothing industry clusters appear, QIAO XU down boutique clothing project completed

2021-03-29     来源:广西日报、港南宣传     浏览量:2987

According to the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, in recent years, Guangxi has introduced more than 500 textile and garment industry projects with a total investment of over 60 billion yuan (RMB, the same below).The local area will plan to build 15 textile and garment industrial parks on top of the existing 5 national-level textile and garment production bases, and actively undertake the industrial transfer in the Greater Bay Area.

As a strategically important node city in the "Pearl River-West River" economic belt, Guigang, Guangxi is accelerating the creation of a new textile and apparel fashion district in China (Guigang).It hopes that it can share the dividends in the construction of the "GBA(Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area)-Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone-ASEAN" cross-border industrial chain supply chain.As one of the four major down processing bases in the country, Gangnan District of Guigang City accounts for 22% of the world's processing volume and is exported to all over the world.

On the morning of March 26, the Guangxi "Double Hundred Doubles New" Industrial Project Development Headquarters held the "Double Hundred Doubles New" industrial projects in the first quarter of 2021 to start and complete.Guigang City set up a branch venue at the Qiaoxu Feather Fine Clothing Project in Gangnan District, and held the completion ceremony of the Qiaoxu·China Down Valley Feather Fine Clothing Project.

The Qiaoxu down boutique clothing project plans to build a full ecological industry chain of down and down, and build a service platform for down and down trade, processing, testing, research and development, warehousing and logistics, comprehensive supporting, finance, innovation incubation and down culture.

The project aims to achieve the upgrading and upgrading of the down industry in The Qiaoxu, with the focus on expanding and strengthening the down industry chain.After the entire project is completed, it will be able to process 63,000 tons of washed down (feathers) per year, 5 million down jackets and duvets, and achieve an annual output value of over 10 billion yuan, which will drive more than 8,000 jobs.

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