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The e-commerce promotion on Women’s Day on March 8th ended, and most clothing brands achieved growth

2021-03-15     来源:光大证券研究所     浏览量:2612

As the highlight of e-commerce in the first quarter, the March 8 Women’s Day e-commerce promotion ended.According to the public data on Taobao and Tmall platforms monitored by third-party agencies, in terms of clothing and home textile brands, 32 brands representing domestic and foreign clothing and home textile brands are counted. Tmall flagship store GMV has achieved a year-on-year growth of 24 brands, and a year-on-year decline 8.

In terms of sportswear categories, domestic brands Anta, FILA, Li Ning, Xtep, and 361 Degrees achieved overall year-on-year growth, while international brands Nike increased and Adidas declined.

In terms of mass apparel, Hailan House, Semir, Uniqlo, GAP, and ZARA increased year-on-year, while H&M and Antarctic decreased year-on-year.

The sub-category down jacket brands Bosideng and Canada goose achieved year-on-year growth; in terms of home textiles, Luolai, LOVO, Fuanna, and Mercury all achieved year-on-year growth.

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