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Industry news | The freight price surge hit again, soaring 100%!

2021-01-18     来源:羽绒金网     浏览量:2566


From "time bomb" to "enter the industrial park"! Anhui Service Enterprise Security Transformation

Winter is the season of high fires. The Fire Rescue Department of Chizhou City, Anhui Province, combined with the actual fire prevention and control, to conduct centralized management of fire hazards in clothing processing enterprises.

The down scattered on the ground of a clothing processing workshop attracted the attention of firefighters, and then the firefighters came to a clothing workshop on the first floor to inspect.In this garment processing workshop, there are hidden fire hazards such as blockages, the inability to fully open the fire exit doors, and the excessive concentration of workers and machines.

Firefighters said that from 2015 to 2018, the number of garment processing factories in the main urban area of Chizhou City has soared from more than 600 to more than 1,800, and the industrial volume has tripled.This is what it looks like after the rectification. The environment was worse before, and there were still people living in it. The noise generated during production operations brought troubles and hidden dangers to the lives of surrounding residents.

In order to eliminate the major fire safety hazards brought by garment processing enterprises, the local fire department after repeated studies and judgments, while continuing to strengthen the special management of fire hazards, reminded the government to move away garment factories in the main urban area to help the company's safe transformation and development.

At the end of 2020, after more than two years of construction, the Garment Industrial Park in Guichi District, Chizhou City was completed, which is mainly used to undertake processing enterprises such as garments in the main urban area. Moreover, in order to attract apparel companies to settle down, many local preferential policies have been introduced.





来源 | 河南政府网






来源 | 中国消费者报


The freight price surge hit again, soaring 100%!

Recently, all parts of the country have been countered by the epidemic. First, Dalian, Liaoning, and Shunyi, Beijing entered an emergency state. Now the epidemic in Shijiazhuang has intensified, and all villages and residential communities are under closed management.The changes in the epidemic have directly affected logistics and transportation, leading to the suspension of logistics in some areas and the increase in logistics freight rates in some areas.

Following the 30% increase in the freight rate of Liancheng Logistics and the 10% increase of Fangyuan Logistics, the freight rate of another express outlet increased significantly.

On January 14, Best Express Xinzheng Branch issued a notice stating that starting from today, the freight rate for the entire network into Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Jilin, and Liaoning will rise by 100%, and that for other provinces will rise by 30%.

"Xinzheng branch rose 100%, in fact, to limit current." Cui Gang, general manager of Best Express Canal South Province, said that when the epidemic situation, personnel, vehicles, and delivery time cannot be guaranteed, the outlets will ensure transportation quality. Limit current through price increases.

Regarding the increase of freight rates by logistics companies, Li Peng, secretary general of Henan Logistics and Purchasing Federation, said,As long as it is not a series of price increases by multiple companies, but the prices adjusted by market demand and the services provided by logistics companies, they are all compliant.It is expected that more logistics companies will join the price hike.









来源 | 消费者报道





来源 | 新华社


寒潮影响接近尾声 本周开启升温模式




来源 | 中国天气网

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