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Strengthening R&D and design Launching the sea plan - Shandong Qingzhou Tambor down jacket transformation path is clear

2019-06-15     来源:中国服饰商情网     浏览量:2459

On June 12th, the Tambor 2019 new product launch conference was held in Qingzhou, Shandong.

The competition in the down jacket market is fierce. There are foreign brands rushing to compete for food, and many domestic brands are fighting and killing. In the era when storytelling and wind-making mouths permeated the business world, Tambor rebounded and made a big subtraction, and went out of a connotative development and transformation path of returning to products. On June 12th, the Tambor 2019 new product launch conference was held in Qingzhou, Shandong. Wang Lili, chairman of Tambor Clothing Co., Ltd., said in an interview after the press conference that in this era of over-packaging, Tambor faced the market with simplicity and established a Tambor Shanghai R&D center to stay close to the fashion frontier. . By strengthening R&D and design, we will be based in Shanghai, look to the world, build core innovation capabilities with an international vision, and accelerate product upgrades and brand upgrades.



Bringing together global design resources to support transformation


Tambor Clothing Co., Ltd. is a modern down apparel company integrating design, production and sales. The brand was founded in 1999 and has a history of 20 years. At the beginning of its establishment, the company has established the corporate philosophy of “developing with innovation, creating brand with quality” and the business tenet of making consumers truly affordable.


However, in the era of consumption upgrade, Tambor is insisting on the business purpose of making consumers truly affordable. At the same time, it is aware that in order to meet the personalized needs of consumers, in addition to cost-effective products, brands must be more individualized. To this end, Tambor has increased its investment in research and development. Three research and development bases have been established in Shanghai, Shandong and Beijing. In recent years, the management of the company has focused on the “transformation and upgrading, innovation and development” and the R&D technology center as a platform to vigorously promote brand upgrade, patent development, marketing innovation and service improvement, and to create the competitiveness of Tambor in all aspects.



The Tambor R&D Center has been recognized as a provincial industrial design center and a provincial enterprise technology center by the Shandong Provincial Economic and Information Committee. In 2019, the company established the Tambor Shanghai R&D Center, which is close to the front of fashion. Tambor also cooperates with China Academy of Art, Donghua University, Beijing Institute of Fashion and other universities to conduct industry-university-research cooperation and exchanges, reserve talents, and promote the transformation of scientific research results.


Wang Lili believes that consumers are wise people and they are more and more aware of what they want. The era of making quick money is over, and companies need to calm down to consider consumer needs and provide what consumers want. This requires enterprises to strengthen R & D investment, form brand personality, and give the brand vitality. Product R&D innovation is the vitality of brand development. Increasing R&D and design investment is the only way for sustainable development. Wang Lili said that the Tambor brand design should gather global resources and take the road of specialization. Moreover, down is a natural product that can be naturally degraded. It has green, environmental protection and health care functions. It has a long history for human use and is also known as “soft gold”. Therefore, when the cross-border winds prevailed, Tambor still chose to focus on the down jacket field and deepen the down jacket market.



Tambor 2019 new product launch conference is the best interpretation of Wang Lili's brand development concept. Tambor is a brand that is known for its product quality and cost performance. In 2019, new products, regardless of color, style, surface accessories and craftsmanship, follow the trend and are full of technology. Feeling and sporty style. "The theme of Tambor's new product in 2019 is 'to pay tribute to the future'. Today is in front of everyone is the fashion new product that combines Tambor's research and development wisdom and strength. It is a harmonious integration of technology and aesthetics. It is to transform inspiration and dream into Chinese. The visual feast of the color chapter is the long-lasting heart of the grateful Tambor people who work together with partners to achieve mutual benefit." Wang Lili said.


Going against the sea, building the future


Under the background of the current deterioration of the international trade environment and increased trade friction, some garment foreign trade enterprises have begun to shrink their international market business and turn to the domestic market. However, Tambor, who is deeply involved in the domestic market, does not satisfy the situation that the influence of the brand is limited to the domestic market. In the 2019 Tambor new product launch conference, Wang Lili revealed that in order to promote the Tambor brand to the world, the company set up an international business department, introduced a professional foreign trade operation team, and opened up markets in North America, Japan, South Korea, Western Europe and Northern Europe.



Wang Lili frankly said that in the current environment, it is indeed not the best time for Tambor to “go out”, but Chinese brands will have to “go out” sooner or later. This is the dream of many brand companies. Wang Lili believes that the goodwill of brand accumulation in 20 years is the biggest capital of Tambor's “going out” because foreign markets pay great attention to goodwill. Now, Tambor is on the way to the sea. However, unlike many Chinese companies that used to export products through OEMs, Tambor is going to sell the brand. This work has now started. The international division established by Tambor is exploring the marketing model for the sea. Tambor intends to walk on two legs, selling Tambor's branded products through the existing offline stores of European commerce companies. On the other hand, selling branded products through online channels.


20 years of deep foundation, 20 years of ingenuity, 20 years of prosperity. After 20 years, Tambor will take the road of the future with tribute.

Source: China Apparel Business Network

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