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2019-02-19 来源:全球纺织网 浏览量:2962
第七届中国与亚洲纺织国际论坛将于2019 年3 月11-12 日在中国上海举行。中国与亚洲纺织国际论坛由上海希为(ECVInternational)提出,集中亚洲各纺织行业协会、制造商、供应商与服装品牌等,探讨纺织服装行业在新形势下的发展趋势,以及在采购、数字化、3D可视化、供应链、可持续发展等方面面临的挑战。
Ø 展望2019:解析中国纺织服装业的最新发展状况及未来发展趋势
Ø 深度解析中美贸易战对中国成衣,纺织和服装业生产和采购的影响
Ø 美国纺织服装贸易:特朗普贸易政策的新动向及其对全球纺织服装业的影响
Ø RCEP即将到来:它将如何影响中国和全球纺织服装业
Ø CPTPP-EVFTA对越南纺织服装业的影响
Ø 不断变化的全球服装采购趋势以及面临可能存在的贸易风险时如何制定均衡的采购战略
Ø 全球服装采购:如何在新形势下平衡成本,合规性和采购量
Ø 中国环境税法和排污许可证规定背景下,印染企业的生存和发展之路
Ø 机遇或挑战:全球纺织和服装供应链的数字化
Ø • 中国纺织品进出口商会
Ø • 美国时尚产业协会
Ø • 亚洲贸易中心
Ø • 台湾纺拓会
Ø • 越南棉纺协会
Ø • 印度纺织协会
Ø • 缅甸服装制造商协会
Ø • 孟加拉国服装制造商及出口商协会
Ø • 华坚集团
Ø • 利华成衣集团
Ø • 亚洲贸易中心
Ø • Lindex
Ø • 利丰集团
Ø • CLO Virtual Fashion(上海)
Ø • 互太纺织
Ø • 南纬实业股份有限公司
Ø • 美欣达集团
Ø • 博拉经纬纤维有限公司
Ø • Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production
Ø • 李宁体育(Dasnkin)
Ø • 麦肯锡
Ø • 兰精集团
Ø • Dystar Group
Ø • Better Buying
关于ECV 纺织行业峰会
上海希为(ECV International)是亚洲领先的国际高端商业峰会及活动的主办和承办机构。公司拥有近200位行业研究及活动专家,每年在全球举办约40场高端国际峰会,涉及汽车、零售、纺织、鞋业、物联网、新科技等行业。我们为超过半数的财富2,000强企业提供专业的商业会议及咨询服务,每年有超过6,000位来自戴姆勒、通用电气、阿迪达斯、可口可乐、阿里巴巴、ABB 等跨国公司、专业机构及创新企业的决策人参加我们的会议和活动。我们的使命是通过提供专业服务帮助客户抓住发展机遇、迎接挑战、实现全球范围内的可持续发展,进而影响行业格局,引领行业未来。ECV除自身举办峰会外,还开展承办活动业务,为客户提供从活动策划,会议策划,创意到执行,三维动画,影视制作,文化演出活动等综合营销服务。活动策划和活动执行涉及创意方案、场地规划、物料规划、流程规划及其它服务。嘉宾邀请和媒体宣传涉及媒体邀约、演讲嘉宾邀请、新闻稿制订、广告投放及其他
Keywords:【Textile】,【Apparel】, 【China US Trade War】,【Retail】
OnSeptember 17, 2018, US President Trump announced a tariff on 200 billion USdollars of goods from China (200 billion list). The effective date of the listis September 24, 2018, and by the end of 2018, the tax rate is 10%. The listalso contains a large number of textile industry goods, which will have a hugeimpact on China‘s US-based export market, and also poses a huge challenge tothe global textile and apparel supply chain. Then, what impact will theChina-US trade war have on Chinese textile and textile enterprises, as well asinternational textile and apparel buyers? How will textile enterprises respondto the new trade environment and how to reshape the international industrialchain to deal with trade risks? All these questions will be discussed in thisforum.
Underthe ever-changing global trade environment, the development of the textileindustry in various regions of Southeast Asia is still receiving widespreadattention from the industry. Due to the impact of the China-US trade war, itwill certainly benefit the SEA countries, such as Vietnam, Bangladesh andIndia, so how they will meet the new international trade environment, andprovide new preferential policies for buyers and manufacturers. It will also bea highlight of this summit. In addition, the latest interpretation of thetextile market in Southeast Asia, such as the impact of the EU-Vietnam tradeagreement on the Vietnam textile and apparel industry, will also be talked.
Thissummit will focus on the changes in the global textile and apparel industry,the latest developments in China's textile and apparel industry, procurementtrends and shifts in China and Asia, and the challenges and reshaping of thesupply chain under the China-US trade friction environment, the environmentalhealth and sustainable development of the global textile and garment industry,as well as the digital transformation and development of the textile andgarment industry and practical cases. This event will provide the industry'slatest and most valuable information and will also be a great communicationplatform for each attendee to better understand and make quick respond to theever-changing industry challenges to achieve a better development.
Ø Outlook 2019 : What’s the LatestSituation of China Textile and Apparel Industry?
Ø The Effects of China-US Trade Wars on Production and Sourcing of theChina Garment, Textile and Apparel Industries
Ø US Textile and Apparel Trade: What’s New Issues of Trump’s TradePolicy and It’s Influence on Global Textile and ApparelIndustry
Ø An Overlook and Prospect of Asia Textile and Apparel Industry
Ø The Impact of CPTPP-EVFTA on Vietnam Textile and Apparel Industry
Ø Changing Trends in Global Apparel Souring and How to Make a BalancedSourcing Strategy
Ø Global Apparel Sourcing: How to Balance Cost, Compliance and Capacityunder New Situation
Ø Under the China Environmental Tax Law and Regulation of PollutionDischarge Permits, The Road to Survival and Development of Printing and DyeingEnterprises
Ø Opportunities or Fears: Digitalization in Global Textile and ApparelSupply Chain
Ø RCEP Is Coming: How will it Influence the China and Global Textile andApparel Industry
For more information, please go to officialwebsite: