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2018-10-18     来源:中国质量新闻网     浏览量:2883

  2018 China Down Industry Market Development Summit Forum was held

  "High Quality Down Clothing"  Group Standards Promoting Enterprises to Participate in High-end Competition

China Quality News Network News (reporter Zhu Zhuhe) on October 17, 2018 China Down Industry Market Development Summit Forum was held in Changshu, Jiangsu Province. "High Quality Down Garment" was released at the group standard meeting. The standard will promote domestic down enterprises to compete with international well-known brands and participate in international high-end competition.

Speech by Yao Xiaoman, President of China Down Industry Association

Yao Xiaoman, vice chairman of International Down and Feather Bureau and President of China Down Industry Association, said that China is currently the world's largest producer, exporter and consumer of down and down products, accounting for 70-80% of the global market share of down trade. In order to meet the needs of the domestic high-end consumer market, we must keep up with the international advanced level in standards and match the well-known brands at home and abroad.

2018 The site of China Down Industry Market Development Summit Forum

It is undeniable that in recent years, fake phenomena such as "glue down" and "dust down" have appeared from time to time in the down industry, disturbing the fair competition environment and bringing potential health and safety hazards. At the same time, there are some shortcomings in the current standard, including the high standard and low matching of flying silk, the low quality requirement of fluffy degree and no gradient.

TB/T CFDIA-004 "High Quality Down Garment" standard is based on GB/T 17685-2016 "Down and Feather" and GB/T 14272-2011 "Down Garment" and other standards. On the basis of qualified products, it puts forward higher requirements for down fillers, linings and physical and chemical indicators.

Xu Jie, Secretary-General of the Bidding Committee of China Down Industry Association, said that in terms of specific indicators, "high-quality down garments" replaced "down content" with "down content", clarifying that "flying silk is not down" and adding "down + down" limit. The nominal value of velvet content shall not be less than 85%, and the relevant requirements of "more than 95%" shall be increased; the allowable deviation value of "velvet content" shall be reduced; the requirements of "fluffy degree" shall be raised and classified; the requirements of "oxygen consumption" and "turbidity" shall be raised; and the limits of "velvet content" shall be raised.

Quality Requirements of TB/T CFDIA-004 "High Quality Down Garment" Standard

In the view of the industry, the standard of "High Quality Down Garment" will help to plug the adulteration loopholes from the source, improve product quality, improve consumer experience, and promote the development of the industry to the direction of high quality. For example, replacing "velvet content" with "velvet content", strictly controlling the content of "velvet + feather" can reduce the risk of drilling down from the source; improving the "fluffy degree" requirement and grading can improve the warmth and comfort of down products.

At the forum, the summit dialogue of "building up national products'quality and self-confidence" was held on the spot, and heated discussions were held among the Chinese Business Federation, the Chinese Down Industry Association, the Chinese Consumer Association, Bosten and the Material-only Meeting. "Never let the toilet cover appear in the industry." Yao Xiaoman calls on the industry to be independent and self-reliant, not only to be a big down country, but also to be a strong down country in the world.

Peak Dialogue on "Creating High-quality Chinese Goods and Building Self-confidence in Chinese Goods"

  After more than a century of development and practice, the down industry has accumulated rich production experience, and has international leading advantages in equipment, technology, technology and design capabilities. It has cultivated a number of professional manufacturers and brands with craftsmanship spirit.

Bosten, for example, is the leading brand in China's down industry and sells well in 72 countries around the world. This year, with the brand transformation and in-depth cooperation with Tianmao, the new retail model is at the forefront of the industry. Elaine is the earliest down clothing brand in China with fashion design as its core. In March this year, Elaine made a stunning appearance at Paris Fashion Week and released the White Paper on Downwear. Hongrun is an early start of domestic down quilt brand. Now it is a joint venture with China Youth Travel, focusing on brand building and promotion of the domestic market.

Brand Licensing of Big Country Craftsmen in China's Down Industry

The forum held on-site ceremonies of awarding the brands of craftsmen and craftsmen, leading brands of China's down industry and leading figures of China's down industry. Yao Xiaoman said that the industry leading brand and the big country craftsman brand originated from the industry backbone enterprises specializing in down clothing and bedding production for more than 20 years, elaborate work, focusing on quality improvement and brand building. I hope that the craftsmen and craftsmen enterprises have the responsibility and responsibility to do a good job of themselves and lead the development of the industry.

(Responsible Editor: Yufei)

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