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Hohenstein Institute

2015-04-04     来源:     浏览量:25935

Hohenstein Institut is an accredited testing laboratory and research institute. The focus of its work is on the inspection and certification of textiles. On the other hand, the development of textiles and various applications are also the core qualifications of the Institute. This includes both commissioned research and research projects funded by public agencies. In addition, the Hohenstein Institute offers a wide range of further training services, including further training for different companies in the entire textile production chain.

     The Hohenstein Institute was founded in 1946 in Bönnigheim, Germany. Currently, the Institute has approximately 700 employees at its headquarters in Germany and in laboratories and foreign offices in Europe, Asia and the Americas. Among the customers of the institute, in addition to the different enterprises in the entire textile production chain, customers in other industries such as the automotive industry, medical industry, investment goods manufacturing and consumer products industries are also increasing. Specifically: the Hohenstein Institute has the following certifications:

认可 测试机构依据DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025,得到德国国家认证机构有限公司(DakkS)认证
认可 测试机构依据DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025,得到德国国家认证机构有限公司(DakkS)认证
个人防护装备(PPE)测试中心,得到德国国家认证机构有限公司(DakkS)和德国安全技术认证中心(ZLS) 的认证
欧盟认证公告号:0555,个人防护装备(PPE),得到德国安全技术认证中心(ZLS) 的认证
认证测试中心,符合 美国 消费品安全委员会(CPSC)的要求
检验机构,依据DIN EN ISO/IEC 17020,得到德国国家认证机构有限公司(DakkS)认证
检验机构,依据DIN EN ISO/IEC 17020,得到德国国家认证机构有限公司(DakkS)认证
国际纺织生态学研究和检测协会的创始成员(OEKO-TEX® Standard 100  100plus 标准)的国际认可
评定、审核和认证纺织品制造企业,依据 OEKO-TEX® STeP(可持续纺织生产)
国际抗紫外线测试协会的创始成员(UV Standard 801 标准)的国际认可
羽绒和/或羽毛填充(Traumpass 标签)认证项目测试机构,得到德国DIN合格评定公司的认可

Hohenstein Institute | 海恩斯坦研究院认证

German headquarters

Company:Hohenstein Institute

Address:Schlosssteige 174357 Bönnigheim GERMANY

Tel: +49 7143 271-0

Fax: +49 7143 271-51

Shanghai, China

Company: Haienstein Textile Inspection (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Address: Shanghai Multimedia Industry Park, No. 1027, Changning Road, Changning District, Shanghai

Room 1104-1105, Zhaofeng Plaza

Tel: +86 21 3133 6090

Fax: +86 21 5237 1449


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