深圳市肯达信总部 陈老师 18575592846
Section F – Farm Group Certification
The following requirements apply for Farm Group Certification. Farm Group Certification applies
for groups with a defined internal control system (ICS) in place for the group. The farm group
shall meet the requirements of this section of this Standard.
Farm Group Certification requires annual on-site audits of the ICS and sample audits of farm
group members according to the risk assessment of the certification body. Farm Group
Certification may also include additional confirmation visits of farm group members by the
certification body without notice.
References to a farm below refer to any member farm in the group. F1. Eligibility for Farm Group Certification
F1.1 The farm group shall be managed by a legal entity which represents the entirety of the
farm group and is considered to be the applicant or certified organization. F1.2 The following categories of sites may be group members: F1.2.1 Farms. F1.3 The organization and all members shall be located in the same country or be within
neighboring countries in the European Union. F2. Internal Control System Requirements
F2.1 The organization shall have an internal control system (ICS) in place.
F2.2 The organization shall appoint an ICS Manager who is responsible for the management
of the ICS and for ensuring conformity to the RMS by all farms.
F2.3 The organization shall cooperate with the certification body’s risk assessment process
and with the coordination of information and auditing for member farms.
F2.4 The ICS shall maintain documented procedures which show how Farm Group
Certification requirements are met, including procedures for at least the following
F2.4.1 Accepting, adding and removing group members;
F2.4.2 Maintaining records; F2.4.3 Training of group members and ICS personnel;
F2.4.4 Internal inspection of group members; and
F2.4.5 Use of RMS logos and promotional claims within the group
F2.5 The ICS shall maintain the following records: F2.5.1 A documented management structure of the ICS, and
F2.5.2 A complete list of group members. F2.6 The ICS shall maintain the following records for each farm:
F2.6.1 A signed membership agreement which specifies rights and obligations of group
members to conform with the RMS and permit inspections by the ICS inspectors
as well as audits by the certification body; F2.6.2 Maps or sketches of the farm showing where goats are located; F2.6.3 Completed Farm Questions for each farm;
F2.6.4 Records of internal inspection results, showing the farm’s conformity or nonconformity with all applicable requirements; and
F2.6.4 Records of which farms are part of other scope certificates, including the name of
the certified organization and type of certification (Individual Farm or Farm Group)
in each case.
F2.7 The ICS shall ensure that
F2.7.1 all group members have access to a copy of the RMS or the relevant sections of
the Standard; and
F2.7.2 all farm group members understand the relevant requirements of the Standard
and are aware of consequences of non-conformity.
F2.8 Group members and ICS personnel (including ICS inspectors) shall be provided with
training regarding the RMS which is sufficient to meet their responsibilities. Training
records shall be maintained.
F3. Group Member Requirements
F3.1 Group members shall conform with the requirements of Section B3.